Monday, September 9, 2013

15 Truths I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a miraculous time in a woman's life. A time when you are literally "one" with your child, and life is beautiful. Our bodies are amazing ladies! We can grow a whole person inside our bodies in around 40 weeks! Men, we do need you, but your physical contribution in comparison just isn't miraculous or amazing. Sorry. We are amazing!! Life is so wonderful; everyone complements you, congratulates you and accommodates you. Life is great for a pregnant woman, thicker, fuller hair, a "glow" and bigger boobs! Yay pregnancy!! True. Annnnnnnd false. 

If you know anything about me, you know that I LOVE pregnant women and the beautiful power and strength they hold. Hey, I'm even pursuing a career in child birth education and lactation consulting. Clearly, I love pregnancy, birth, breast feeding and everything in between. We. Are. Amazing. 

But for those of you who are getting pregnant for the first time, I want you to know about some of the things that may accompany these wonderful times of bliss so you aren't in shock, like I was with this second pregnancy. There were days when I would look at Derek, holding back tears, I would shout at him, "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BODY?!"

You should know that my first pregnancy with Landon was amazing! I hardly experienced any of these symptoms, just a bigger appetite, belly, boobs and eventually a bigger butt. Thank you 2 AM pint-sized feedings of Ben and Jerry's Brownie Batter. Hey, this is a judgement free zone, right?

If you prefer to stay in the 'Ignorance is Bliss' category, I totally understand. Stop reading. Now.

If you are my brother or Dad or anyone that holds me on a pedestal, you may want to also stop reading. Or not, it may be fun to read a list about your sister who has a hard time controlling her flatulence and bladder.

For women who are pregnant, or have been, I hope you find this amusing, and will laugh with me as you read. Read on!

15 Truths About Pregnancy

1. Your body is no longer your own. This is the most important thing to understand. Everything else just follows this one fact, you are the physical provider for a growing, thriving human being.

2. Start your exercise and kegels before you get pregnant or every time you sneeze or cough you will have to change your underwear. There are now even apps to help you with your kegels. I downloaded Kegel Kat because I like that the cat is wearing a headband, and meows on the "squeeze" part, but to each their own.

Kegel Kat can help you with your Kegels!

3. You may become very acquainted with your toilet bowl, you may even deem yourself a "professional puker" like I did, because some days it may feel like your job. Try to find the silver lining in everything or it will be a long 9 months, with this one, it's hard. I know. Just trust that one day, the nausea will stop and you will be able to eat normal food again.

4. Sometimes you're going to feel like punching your husband in the face as much as you love him. Just say no. Punching is never good for a relationship, especially if he's only asking you if you want almond butter on your toast. "What kind of questions is that?!?! Of course I do!! UGGGH!!" Just breathe, respond, smile, and walk away.

5. It's hormones. It's always hormones. There will be days where everything makes you angry, or cry uncontrollably, or laugh hysterically. Take it in stride. If it's an angry day, try to warn your husband and keep your distance. He will thank you in the end, and you will love him more for respecting your space.

6. Find a support group. I am so blessed to be going through this with one of my closest friends. So on days where I pee my pants from sneezing I can send her a text about it. It makes me feel more normal to get a text back saying, "I hear you, I did that 3 times last night."

Yes, this is a real text I sent a friend.
7. There will be days where you cannot get out of bed from exhaustion, and after taking a 5 minute shower, you will need a 20 minute nap, just because that was SO EXHAUSTING. Take that nap. Take lots of them, even if that means calling a friend and saying, "I'm running 20 min late." If you have good friends, they will understand.

8. You will pee all the time. All the time. In the first trimester it's hormonal, the third it's because you did such a wonderful job growing a baby and he or she now likes to use your bladder as a trampoline. Don't get frustrated when you have to run to the bathroom because you feel like your bladder is SO full, and two drops come out. That really means that had you not made it to the bathroom, it wouldn't have been as bad as your originally thought.
9. Sometimes it feels like the baby knows Kung-Fu, or is a very tiny kick-boxing professional. It hurts. Just breathe through it. Once the baby is born, you will miss those movements.

10. You will fart. Even when you try not to. I don't think I need to elaborate on that. 

11. You will grunt like an old woman. Every time you get out of the car (why are some of them so low to the ground?!) it may sound like you are trying to push the baby out already. Really, some days I am reminded of helping my Granny get in and out of the car. And it's not every day, just on the days where I'm overly exhausted. Let your husband open the door for you, and on days where you feel like an old woman, ask him for a little help getting out. Then, make sure you say, "thank you". And mean it.

12. Your body will hurt at times, find a great chiropractor, if you don't have one already (I know many, let me know if you need one), and trust your body's ability to heal and change. Your pelvis is going to shift and change, and the ligament laxity necessary for birth is going to add instability to all of your joints (this is supposed to happen), but you will ache. Badly. Again, find a chiropractor, one that practices Webster Technique, they will help balance your pelvis, creating more room for your baby and more comfort for you. I'm so grateful to be married to my chiropractor, trust me, they are an essential part of your pregnancy team. Also, I've found prenatal yoga helps. Remember, our bodies were made to do this, but sometimes we need help. 

13. Sleep will become a hard thing to accomplish at night. Between getting up to pee 5 times a night, being overwhelmed with the checklist of things you have to accomplish to prepare for the baby, leg cramps, and indigestion it will seem impossible to sleep. I swear to you, Derek has had to help me roll over to get out of bed to use the bathroom. Sometimes I just get stuck on my back with no energy to roll all-the-way-over and out of the bed. I have a good husband. Remember how I said to take naps. Take naps.

14. You may feel like the most popular, interesting person with all the appointments you have to go to. They will want to know what you're eating, how much weight your gaining, how you're feeling and what your plans and preferences are. Look at it as your baby's first fan club. It will be easier and more fun that way.

15. Baby brain is a real thing. The baby gets all those nutrients, essential fatty acids, and everything we put into our body first. Then you get the leftovers. Sometimes, there are no leftover for memory. There were days where mid-sentence I would forget what I was saying. Gone. No idea. It was like trying to read  a blank page with no page to turn back to and reference for a little information. If you can take fish oil this will help, if you can't keep it down (like me), then just rely on check lists, post-its and the patience of others. 

I just want to thank my friend Hilary for inspiring this. I will never forget about 6 months into her marriage I called her to catch up and she said to me, "It's hard! No one ever tells you how hard it is!! They always say it's wonderful! Well, I'm going to tell you, Heather, because I love you. Marriage is hard!" 

So, there you have it, pregnancy IS beautiful, but it is also hard, and not very pretty at times. But those good parts, they really are great. So great that we have over populated the planet. Go us! Treasure the life-giving moments of pregnancy, and just laugh at the rest of it. God has a sense of humor, we should too. Perhaps He is preparing us to love a little person with all of the same digestive, sleep, and emotional issues we had for the last 9 months. Life is beautiful, trek on, create more life and do it with your fuller hair and glowing skin!

To our men: Thank you. Thank you for loving us and still finding us beautiful despite all of these "fun facts". We need you, not just to get pregnant, but to love and support us while we are pregnant. 

I've now gone through pregnancy without and with a husband, and, Derek, you make this a thousand times easier. Thank you for holding me when I cry for no reason, for cleaning and cooking while I can't stand the smell or even the sight of food, for loving Landon while I was too weak to get out of bed. Thank you for helping me get in and out of the car and bed. And thank you for reminding me that I am beautiful even when I don't feel it. You are amazing, I love you.

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